Melinda in the Media
Media appearances I have made to discuss child/adolescent health and my research.

I am honored to have been invited to be a guest speaker on Hannah Hickinbotham's international eating disorder awareness podcast, Full of Beans, to discuss the neuroscience of eating disorder, animal models, and my dissertation project.

I am honored to have been invited to discuss the neuroscience on eating disorders on the Eating Recovery Podcast, created my renowned therapist and entrepreneur, Kate Fischer.

My Psychology Today blogs discusses the biology of eating disorders for both lay audiences and health professionals.

In early 2021, I contacted BEAT to suggest they include more eating disorders research information on their site. This suggestion led to the creation of research summary pages for BEAT's website. Thus far, I have authored the neuroscience section.

I authored a guest blog post for eating disorder recovery nonprofit, First Steps UK. In this post I discuss why 'brain science' is vital for eating disorder prevention, treatment, and changing public perception about these illnesses. Additionally, my Psychology Today blog is now listed as an important resource on the First Steps UK website.

For National Twin Day, my twin sister and I were interviewed by the Purdue Health and Human Sciences college about our PhD experiences. In this interview I discuss my path to neuroscience and why I am passionate about a career in science communication.

Scan the QR code to see my educational instagram, which discusses the biology of eating disorders.